Ph.D. in Computer Science



University of Texas at El Paso

Associated Work
1. Graduate Teaching Assistant (Fall 2019-present)
2. Graduate Research Assistant (Summer 2022, Summer 2021, Summer 2020)


University of Colorado Denver

Associated Work:
1. Research Assistant (Fall 2017 – Spring 2019)
2. Teaching Assistant(Fall 2017 – Spring 2019)


  1. Published research work titled “Behavioral analysis of turbulent exhale flows” and got the best paper award at BHI 2018
    [ PDF ] [ YouTube ] [ YouTube2 ] [ Best Paper Award ]
  2. Worked on an NSF Project(Award #1602428) “Long-Term and Fine-Grained Breathing Volume Monitoring for Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)”
    [ NSF Award Website ] [ A Research Work ]
  3. Mentored an undergraduate research work titled “Non-Contact Respiratory Analysis using Thermal and CO2 Imaging” and the work was presented at the 2019 RaCAS (Research and Creative Activities Symposium) at the University of Colorado Denver, USA in April 2019.
    [ Poster ]
  4. Presented a research idea titled “Virtual Reality in Software Engineering: A future of Software Development, Modeling, and Quality Assurance” at 25th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences in November 2019
    [ Abstract ]
  5. Published research work titled “ModelMine: A Tool to Facilitate Mining Models from Open Source Repositories” at Models 2020
    [ PDF ] [ DOI ] [ Presentation ]
  6. Presented my Ph.D. Portfolio in December 2020
    [ Report ] [ Presentation ]
  7. Worked on an NSF Project (Award #2137708) “Coding Like a Data Miner: A Culturally Relevant Data Analytics Intervention for High School Students”
    [ NSF Award Website ] [ Project URL ]
  8. Presented my Ph.D. Proposal in April 2021
  9. Published 2 articles in the Willey Journal of SPE & ModelsWard Conference in 2021.
  10. Published 3 articles in AERA annual meeting 2023
  11. Organized “Coding Like a Data Miner Codesign Session 2022” at the University of Texas at El Paso.
  12. Gave a technical talk in Data Visualization and Computer Science Summer 2022 Program at Navajo Technical University.
  13. Visited the University of South Carolina and provided a talk on “Recursion Harnessing in Computer Science”
    [ PPTX ] [ PDF ]


1. Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • CS 2302- Data Structures
    Instructor: Dr. Olac Fuentes [Spring 2023]
  • CS 5374 – Software Construction
    Instructor: Dr. Bhanukiran Gurijala [Fall 2022]
  • CS 3331–Adv. Object-Oriented Programming
    Instructor: Dr. Omar Badreddin [ Summer 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Summer 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020 ]
  • CSCI 1320 – Computer Programming Sci/Engr
    Instructor: Mary K Roy [ Summer 2020, Fall 2019 ]
    Instructor: Angel Garcia [ Spring 2020]
  • CSCI 2421 – Data Structure
    Section E01 Instructor: Dr. Min Hyung Choi [ Spring 2019 ]
    Section E02 Instructor: Dr. Nasreen [ Spring 2019 ]
  • CSCI 1411 – Fundamentals of Computing Lab
    Instructor: Myself [ Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018 ]

2. Graduate Research Assistant

  • Software Engineering Lab
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar Badreddin & Dr. Justice Walker [Summer 2022, Summer 2021, Summer 2020]
  • Computer Graphics & VR lab, UCDenver
    Supervisor: Dr. Min Hyung Choi [ Fall 2017 – Spring 2019
  • School of Medicine, UCHealth
    Supervisor: Dr. Ann Halbower, Dr. Min Hyung Choi [ Fall 2018 ]

Ph.D. Courses & Research

Spring 2023

  • CS 6399 – Doctoral Dissertation (Credit-3)
    Supervisor: Dr. Mahmud Shahriar Hossain

Fall 2022

  • CS 6399 – Doctoral Dissertation(Credit-3)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin

Spring 2022

  • CS 6398 – Doctoral Dissertation(Credit-3)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin

Fall 2021

  • CS 6694 – Doctoral Research (Credit-6)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • CS 6394 – Doctoral Research (Credit-3)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin

Spring 2021

  • CS 6694 – Doctoral Research (Credit-6)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • CS 6294 – Doctoral Research (Credit-2)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • CS 6193 – Doctoral Seminar (Credit-1)
    Instructor: Dr. Christopher Kiekintveld

Fall 2020

  • CS 6694 – Doctoral Research (Credit-6)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • CS 6294 – Doctoral Research (Credit-2)
    Supervisor: Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • CS 6193 – Doctoral Seminar (Credit-1)
    Instructor: Dr. Christopher Kiekintveld

Spring 2020

  • CS 6390 – Special Topics Data Mining by Dr. Mahmud S Hossain)
  • CS 6294 – Doctoral Research (Credit-2) by Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • RWS 5313 – Grant Writing by Margaret Smith
  • CS 6193 – Doctoral Seminar (Credit-1) by Dr. Christopher Kiekintveld

Fall 2019

  • CS 5317 – Human-Computer Interaction by Dr. Nigel Ward
  • CS 5374 – Software Construction by Dr. Omar B. Badreddin
  • CS 5390 – Special Topic Computer Science by Dr. Natalia Villanueva Rosales and Dr. Hugo A. Gutierrez-Jurado

Spring 2019

  • CSCI 7654- Algorithms for Comm Networks by Dr. Bogdan Chlebus
  • CSCI 7840 – Independent Study by Dr. Min-Hyung Choi

Fall 2018

  • CSCI 7880 – Special Topics: VR by Dr. Min Hyung Choi
  • ISMG 7214 – Mixed Methods Research by Jibanananda Khuntia

Spring 2018

  • CSCI 5446 – Theory of Automata by Dr. Tom Altman
  • CSCI 5593 – Advanced Computer Architecture by Dr. Gita Alaghband

Fall 2017

  • CSCI 5451 – Graduate Algorithms by Dr. Ellen Gethner
  • CSCI 5565 – Intro to Computer Graphics by Dr. Min Hyung Choi